social movements and bottom-up mobilizations, sustainability transitions, energy transition, environmental sociology, urban sociology
Projekty badawcze
Contentious Politics and Democratic Renewal in Sustainability Transitions; acronym: Trans4Demo, grant agreement number: 101178267, funded by the European Union, Horizon Europe, Project and consortium leader, project implementation: 01.01.2025-31.12.2027
TransScale - Scale-Up and Scale-Out Sharing Capacity for Sustainable Urban Transformation, funded by the Driving Urban Transitions / DUT Call 2022, agreement number: F-DUT-2022-0269; Polish team PI: Przemysław Pluciński; project implementation time: 01.2024-ongoing
Disrupted routines, international consortium initiated within the European Sociological Association’s ‘Sociology of consumption’ research network, PI: Melanie Jaeger-Erben (Brandenburg University of Technology, Cottbus), member of Polish research team; project implementation time: 2022-ongoing
Ruchy społeczne w perspektywie poznawczej: przypadek ruchów na rzecz sprawiedliwości klimatycznej w Polsce (Social Movements in Cognitive Perspective: The Case of Climate Justice Movements in Poland: Exploratory Research), funded by the National Science Centre, MINIATURA-4; agreement no: 2020/04/X/HS6/01685; project implementation time: 12.2020-06.2022
Społeczne obiegi wiedzy w praktykach humanistyki akademickiej (Social circuits of knowledge in academic humanities practices); funded by the National Science Centre; OPUS-19, 2020/37/B/HS2/00955, PI: Agata Skórzyńska; Przemysław Pluciński: member of Polish research team; project implementation time: 2021-ongoing
EUREQUAL - Social Inequality and Why It Matters for the Economic and Democratic Development of Europe and Its Citizens. Post-Communist Central and Eastern Europe in Comparative Perspective, FP6-2004-CITIZENS-5, agreement number: 028920 (CIT5), PI: Stephen Whitefield, University of Oxford; Przemysław Pluciński member of Polish team; project implementation time: 07.2006 – 11.2009