Zapraszamy na kolejne wydziałowe seminarium naukowe, organizowane wspólnie ze Szkołą Doktorską Nauk Społecznych UAM. Seminarium odbędzie się 8 maja o godzinie 11:00 w formie hybrydowej: w sali 107 budynku D na Kampusie Ogrody, a także na MS Teams. Gościem seminarium będzie profesor Asher Daniel Colombo z Uniwersytetu w Bolonii, który wygłosi wykład pt. "Migrations, demography and work in a 'new' immigration country".
Link do wydarzenia: Asher Daniel Colombo "Migrations, demography and work in a 'new' immigration country"
Today, in Spain, Portugal, Italy, Malta and Greece, the incidence of the foreign population is clearly comparable to that of the more traditional European reception countries. Only forty years ago, however, the foreign population in these five southern European countries was decidedly modest. In Italy, the migration balance with foreign countries has become positive since the 1970s, inverting a secular trend. The presentation will show that this change is only a segment of a centuries-long trend that has occurred both at macro level (World and European) and at meso level (social organization of immigration). This trend has not only affected Italy, but the whole continent, and is currently underway for some years now in Eastern European countries too.
However, after the migration boom at the beginning of the 21st century, a sudden and sharp decline has been observed in the following years of crisis (2008-2012). The presentation focuses on two main processes. First it describes seventy years of Italian migrations, from the 1950s to date, systematically distinguishing the Centre and North from Southern Italy, and connects them with the migratory history of previous decades. It shows how the ‘stop and go’ of migrations can be interpreted in the light of the pull factors determined by structural changes in demography and in the labour market. Secondly, it identifies the persistent and structural peculiarities that have shaped the foreign population in Italy, building a model very different from that of central and northern Europe. A last part of the presentation will be devoted to the depiction of only some of the main characteristics of the European divide in the patterns of inclusion of immigrants.
Prof. Asher Daniel Colombo graduated in Political Science, Magna cum Laude, at the University of Milan. After PhD in Sociology and Social Research at the University of Trento, he joined the University of Bologna in 1998, where he is Full Professor of Sociology. He is the President of the Carlo Cattaneo Institute Research Foundation (Bologna), one of the most important Italian think-tanks, whose main research areas are: measurements and analysis of social change; political parties, media, public opinion and elections: design, analysis and evaluation of public policies. He has been the Editor of the journal "Polis. Studi e ricerche su società e politica in Italia".
Currently, he is working on a personal research program on the changes in attitudes towards death and in the social organisation of disposal in Italy during the last two centuries. Within this program, publications on social history of the birth and the spread of cremation in European cities and on the burials and their changes in Italy are in preparation. So far, he continuously worked on (1) the international migration systems that have affected Italy since the sixties and Italian migration control policies in a comparative perspective, (2) patterns and trends of crime and insecurity in Italy and (3) the life and cultures of LGBTQ+ people in Italy.
He is the author of books and numerous articles in Italian and English. Here are some articles published in English:
- Colombo, A.D. – Molinari, R. 2022, Displacement of Death from Home to Hospital in Historical Perspective. The Case of Italy 1883-2013, “The Journal of Interdisciplinary History”, in print, LIII (3)
- Colombo, A. and Eleonora Vlach. 2021. “Why do we go to the Cemetery ? Religion, Civicness, and the Cult of Dead in Today’s Italy.” in Review of Religious Research, 63: 217-243.
- Colombo, A. D., - Dalla Zuanna, G., 2019. Immigration Italian Style, 1977-2016. Population and Development Review, 45(3): 585-615, September,
- Colombo, A., (2017), Why Europe has never been united (not even in the Afterworld): The fall and rise of cremation in the cities (1876-1939), in «Death Studies», vol. 41, n. 1, pp. 22-33
- Colombo, Asher D. 2013 Foreigners and immigrants in Italy's penal and administrative detention systems, in European Journal of Criminology, November 2013, 10, 746-759,
- Colombo, A., “They call me a housekeeper, but I do everything.” Who are domestic workers today in Italy and what do they do?, in «Journal of Modern Italian Studies», 2007, vol. 12, n. 2, pp. 207-237
- Colombo, A., Urban crime and urban offender. Changing Trends and patterns in Italian cities [1984-2003], in Istat, Per una società più sicura. Il contributo conoscitivo dell’informazione statistica, Atti del convegno, Roma, 2003, 3-5 dicembre
- Colombo, A. Sciortino, G., Italian immigration: the origins, nature and evolution of Italy’s migratory systems, in «Journal of Modern Italian Studies», 2004, 9, 1, 49-70