W czasopiśmie “Remote Sensing” ukazał się właśnie interdyscyplinarny artykuł “Use of Bi-Temporal ALS Point Clouds for Tree Removal Detection on Private Property in Racibórz, Poland”. Badanie jest elementem projektu @itre-es realizowanego na naszym Wydziale pod kierunkiem prof. Piotra Matczaka.

Autorzy w abstrakcie tak piszą o przedmiocie i rezultatach swoich badań: „Trees growing on private property have become an essential part of urban green policies. In many places, restrictions are imposed on tree removal on private property. However, monitoring compliance of these regulations appears difficult due to a lack of reference data and public administration capacity. We assessed the impact of the temporary suspension of mandatory permits on tree removal, which was in force in 2017 in Poland, on the change in urban tree cover (UTC) in the case of the municipality of Racibórz. […] The results show increased tree removal at a time when the mandatory permit was suspended. Moreover, it appeared that most trees on private properties were removed without obtaining permission when it was obligatory. The method based on LiDAR we proposed allows for monitoring green areas, including private properties.” 

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